• [ETR90]EcoElectric Turn Unitthumbnail_0

  • [ETR90]EcoElectric Turn Unitthumbnail_1

  • [ETR90]EcoElectric Turn Unitthumbnail_2

[ETR90]EcoElectric Turn Unitmain_0
[ETR90]EcoElectric Turn Unitmain_1
[ETR90]EcoElectric Turn Unitmain_2

EcoElectric Turn Unit



ALL DC24V icon

Turntable type actuator using EcoElectric Cylinder (90° turn).

By mounting EcoElectric DC Conveyor on EcoElectric Turn Unit, workpiece can flow in a different direction.

[Relevant Product]
ETR180: for 90°/180° turn.


Main body
Size of main body W: 752 mm
L: 524 mm
H: 112 mm
Product weight 75 kg
Allowable payload (*1) 600 kg
Allowable moment (*1) 55.2 kgm
Crossed roller bearing rated load C 50900 N (Dynamic load rating)
Co 72200 N (Static load rating)
Allowable load inertia 41 kgm2
Stopping accuracy (*2) 90° ± 0.1°
Angular velocity (*2) 0.393 rad/sec
90° rotation time 4 sec

(*1) The actual allowable payload and allowable moment need to be determined according to the operating conditions such as the shape of the components attached to the product and the offset position.
(*2) The angular velocity and rotation time are obtained when the speed adjustment channel is set to 5.

Power source
Model ECY40-150(EcoElectric Cylinder)
* w/o brake
Voltage rating 24VDC ± 10 %
Output rating 20 W
Standby power 0 W
Current rating 1.2 A (rms)
Maximum current 2.6 A (rms)(typ.)
Instantaneous maximum current 4.0 A (peak)
Thrust rating 400 N
Stroke 150 mm
Dedicated controller Not required
Connector spec. M12 connector (male)
4 pins:
(1) -
(2) 24V [-90° -> 0°]
(3) 0V
(4) 24V [0° -> -90°]

Safety Precautions

Please perform risk assessment before use to determine the guarding requirement as it depends on specs and environment of the end user.


  • Components



  • Two-speed control

    Two-speed controlの画像

    By installing a sensor, the unit can be controlled to decelerate in the middle of rotation and stop gently.
    *Above figure shows an example of -90° turn.

  • Speed channel [CH]

    Speed channel [CH]の画像

    Operation speed can be changed by adjusting the speed channel on EcoElectric cylinder (six levels available between CH1 and CH6: do not use CH7 or higher).

Combination example

  • EcoElectric DC Conveyor

    EcoElectric DC Conveyorの画像

    By mounting EcoElectric DC Conveyor on top, workpiece can flow in a different direction.


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    0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%